Critical Literacy
The following picture books have rich story lines and are suggested as critical literacy mentor texts:
The Wretched Stone - Van Allsburg
The Sneetches - Dr. Suess
The Composition - Skarmeta / Ruano
Voices in the Park - Bronwe
Yo! Yes? - Raschka
Don't Laugh at Me - Seskin/Shamblin
The Royal Bee - Park
My Name is Yoon m- Recorvits
Williams Doll - Zolotow
Something Beautiful - Dennis - Wyeth
Bad Boys - Platini / Cole
Encounter - Yolen
Feathers and Fools - Fox
The Cats in Kransinkski Square - Hesse
Fly Away Home - Bunting
The Table Where Rich People Sit - Baylor
BIG IDEA - Poverty/ Helping Others
Lily and the Paper Man - Rebecca Upjohn
The Tale Where Rich People Sit - Baylor
The Great Joy - Dicapriato
Fly Away Home - Eve Bunting
Critical Literacy Book Suggestions from Stacy Corlett (Early Literacy, Talbot Trail)
Martin's Big Words - Doreen Rappaport
Esperanza Rizing - Pam Ryan
China's Son: Growing Up - Da Chen
Encounter - Jane Yolen
The Name Jar - Yangsook Choi
Chyenne Again - Eve Bunting
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